'Bishop?' The voice was a little quaver; for a moment he couldn't place it.
'Yes? This is...?'
'It's Lula Rexford Bishop. I'm sorry to bother ya'll on Christmas but I'm really worried about T-Rex.'
'What's wrong Lula? Is he sick?'
'He ain't here, is the problem, and he said he'd be back three hours ago! He took his bike out for a spin- got him some new do-dads for it, for Christmas, you know, and wanted to go ride, maybe show it off a little to a couple of friends. I've called all of them, and only one has seen him- and he left there about six-thirty.'
'Well, he's a young man with a lot of friends- he might be anywhere. Maybe he got involved talking to somebody, or something. You know how it goes with guys.'
'No, Bishop, I got this creepy feelin,' like something's wrong with him.'
Lula Rexford's worst fears are confirmed when T-Rex's crumpled body is found on a lonely mountain trail in the snow. As he struggles for life, comatose in the hospital, the Fairhaven ward members unite their faith and share their service to help one of their own.
Meanwhile, VerDan Winslow's old girlfriend finds him in time to share a startling revelation that will change his family's life, and the Shepherds navigate the tricky waters of prickly new neighbors and Tiffani's first date. If you haven't found your way to Fairhaven, Alabama, yet you're missing something truly special.