Understanding the Signs of the TimesThe Lord has warned about the events of the last days: "All things shall be in commotion; and surely, men's hearts shall fail them; for fear shall come upon all people" (D&C 88:91). But elsewhere he has given us this comforting assurance: "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear" (D&C 38:30).
Who has not contemplated the cataclysmic events that will precede and be a part of the Savior's second coming and wondered how the prophesied conditions will play out? Are the catastrophes and calamities we hear about in the daily news the fulfillment of prophecy? What blessings to the righteous will counterbalance the judgments on the wicked?
In this book, authors Donald W. Parry and Jay A. Parry take a balanced, reasoned look at the signs of the times and what the scriptures reveal about events of the last days. Drawing upon the writings of latter-day prophets, they explain, clarify, and put into context the events that have been foretold by both ancient and modern seers.
Understanding the Parables of Jesus Christ
Parables formed a significant part of Jesus' teaching ministry during his mortal life. And on the surface, parables appear to be simple stories, drawn from the flow of ordinary life in ancient Palestine, but if we are to understand more fully the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is essential that we understand the principles the Savior taught in his parables.
Authors Jay A. Parry and Donald W. Parry have selected thirty of Jesus' parables for close examination. Drawing upon latter-day scriptures and the teachings of modern prophets and apostles, as well as insights from other biblical scholars, the authors provide helpful commentaries about the content and layers of meaning to be drawn from these well-loved stories. With each parable they also include and insightful discussion on how we can apply the parable's teaching to ourselves.
What becomes apparent is that a casual reading of the parable is not sufficient to discover the deeper meanings embedded in them. "Just as parables conceal truth from the spiritually unprepared, parables also disclose truth to those who are spiritually able to receive it," the authors point out, as they invite us to prayerfully study the Savior's own declaration of how it is that we find "that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal" (D&C 42:61).
Understanding the Book of Revelation Filled with scores of symbols and images, John's "glorious vision," as set forth in the book of Revelation, is often a bewildering vision at that. In this new study guide, the authors examine the book of Revelation phrase by phrase, including the actual scripture passages and revealed corrections from the Joseph Smith Translation.
Some of the important themes that come from this sacred text include Jesus Christ, the last days, the Second Coming, good versus evil, God's judgments against the wicked, safety for the righteous, and the temple. Applying the best available sources of commentary from a variety of scholars, Donald and Jay Parry show that the book of Revelation is meant for us to understand and that it is possible to understand it.
Understanding the Book of Revelation is a timely book as we approach the twenty-first century.
Understanding Death and the Ressurrection
Why is the physical death necessary? How do spirits spend their time? What kind of communication is possible between the mortal world and the spirit world? When does the judgment occur? What are family relationships like in the resurrection? Since the beginning of time, people have sought answers to questions about our next sphere of existence.